Identify and connect with emerging consumer behaviour to become a cultural leader. I provide the research and insight necessary to make informed decisions and identify powerful, new opportunities.
Simplify and improve everything you do as a business. Think of brand strategy as a decision-making filter for your company that will give you the power to shape how customers perceive and interact with your business. I work collaboratively with your internal team to ensure ownership and immediate impact.
Bring your strategy to life: naming, product roadmaps, creative marketing plans, how to work with ambassadors, social strategy, and more.
- Collyn Ahart, Do Lectures 2013
I trained as an ethnographic researcher. Then went to design school. I’m obsessed with culture and finding the most powerful ways for companies to put culture at the heart of their brands. I love food culture, sport and fandom cultures, pet cultures, the changing shape of the home and families, what we can learn from spending time in strange and remote parts of the world, how communities take shape and change. I believe we can learn from everything around us. I’ve lived in Seattle, Montréal, London, Barcelona, San Francisco and a very remote little town in the middle of Namibia. I am a mother. I moonlight as a secret writer. I believe in brands, beauty, creativity and collaboration.